Tonight you tripped over your Lego box and hurt your knee. You were also tired so we had a big cuddle afterwards. I kept asking if you were happy now and you shook your little head solemnly. I think you knew Mummy wanted cuddles and it may delay bathtime a little to extend the period of trauma. I said it made me sad when you were not happy and through the sniffs and sad eyes you put your little hand on mine and patted it. Just letting me know you were ok really....but not quite ok enough to go to bed!
It was your 3rd birthday weekend this weekend and we had the most perfect party for you. All of our close friends and family came and everyone had a wonderful time singing and dancing with Mr Melody. You declared it was the best party EVER on numerous occasions and towards the end you said you'd had "the best day in my whole life Mummy." I welled up a little because that's your longest measure of time and it's still so short because you're so little. Mission accomplished anyway. I couldn't ask for much more than having created the best day in your whole life!
You used the word 'behold' the other day. At not quite 3! You pretended to blow a bubble through your hula hoop and said "Behold Mummy! The biggest bubble in the world!" My funny, clever, caring, sweet, chatty and sociable little baby has been here for 3 whole years and they've been the best 3 years ever.
Happy Birthday darling. I love you to the moon and back a million times. Mummy x
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